It is a fact that in the last decade, governments are trying to engage population in the process of reducing waste as a way of cutting down on pollution. The huge amount of containers of all kinds , glass, paper, cardboard, plastic that industry produces, generates tons of waste every year. Giving them a second "life",  is a good way of  helping environment with an effort-less individual action.

It is in this time frame, that Students in 4th ESO are working, in CLIL class,  on a project called "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!". The main aim of the project is arising student's awareness about the importance of reusing and recycling in order to reduce waste and  have a "greener" world.

Containers can be reused in an innumerable ways in which we never think of. Thanks to the collaboration of students in ESO, we have gather a great amount of containers which students will give a second "life" to,  using their imagination and their artistic skills. All the final products will be sold in order to get money for their trip to Berlin next June. 

We hope you get in the "eco-friendly" mood and support our students in their cause!!



Enviromental problems

Our students are highly concerned about the problems that affect our environment. They explained us which  these problems are, what causes them and they even gave possible solutions.
The talk was helped by a powerpoint which make us easier to understand how the man´s fingerprint is damaging the planet.

Enviromental Problems on PhotoPeach

Missing vocabulary 3 ESO A

 ……………………………….is important to our planet because it creates……………. to breath. Otherwise…………………… is bad for the …………………………………and the …………………… because it causes the ……………………………….to emigrate to another area.
By David Revilla and Victor Paniello
Global warming and………………………… are really dangerous for all the ………………. in the Earth.
The ………………………. wildlife and ………………………… are getting damaged because of the………………………………………………….. of toxic substances to the …………………………… It is really important to take care of the world to have a better future
By Laura Tena and Elena Santos

In my family no one ………………………………., but we know that it is bad for the……………………….and the………………………………. If all the …………………………………………dies,we won´t have ………………………..and the climate will change too. So, I think that we have to reducethe………………………………….. of the cities.
By Carlos López  and Carles Carrasco
When humans buy ………………………………… to get energy, the ……………………. makes holes in the ozone cape ad it affects the………………………. Therefore, to get wood, people cut trees off, so there is less ………………………………… in the air and they destroy the species,  the …………………….and the ……………………….
By  David Ray and Eric Serrano

Speak about the environment

In groups of three, choose which is for you the most serious enviromental problem:
  • acid rain                                    
  •  dessertification 
  • global warming
  • rising sea levels
  • air pollution
  • noise pollution
  • deforestation
  • traffic congestion
Now, in group prepare a dialogue defending your opinion. You can agree or disagree between you . What it is important is to justify your position.
You must be talking for about three minutes.

  1. Introduce yourself.
  2. Introduce the topic you are going to talk about
  3. Use the vocabulary learnt this lesson about ecology.
  4. You must create a powerpoint of only three slides and two or three words in each slide : one slide shows the problem, the second slide shows which is the cause to this problem  and the third slide shows a possible solution.

Missing Vocabulary- 3r ESO B


1 . If we don´t use…………………………. and …………………………., we won´t produce ……………………….. and the …………………………………….will be better. This is good for the ………………………………. that live on the Earth . If we produce more pollution, we are going to destroy the planet.
By Albert López and…

2. In the ……………………………., animal, plants and humans live but the …………………………………
Is destroying theses places and humans don´t do anything. And they are destroying all the ……………….. and other types of ……………………………….
By Jan and Jesús

3. In the ……………………………….there is a lot of ………………… and ………………………….. of animals. One of the reasons is that there isn´t  much ……………………, another reason is that there are a lot of ……………………………. and ……………………………… on the ground. This helps the plants to grow better
By Júlia and Marc

4.An ………………………………………. Contains…………………………….., ………………………… and if we want to conserve them, we don´t have to produce…………………..
By Abril and ………


Read about food chains. Then play the games to check your knowledge.

The food chain consists of four main parts:
  • The Sun, which provides the energy for everything on the planet.
  • Producers: these include all green plants.  These are also known as autotrophs, since they make their own food.  Producers are able to harness the energy of the sun to make food.  Ultimately, every (aerobic) organism is dependent on plants for oxygen (which is the waste product from photosynthesis) and food (which is produced in the form of glucose through photosynthesis).  They make up the bulk of the food chain or web.
  • Consumers: In short, consumers are every organism that eats something else.  They include herbivores (animals that eat plants), carnivores (animals that eat other animals), parasites (animals that live off of other organisms by harming it), and scavengers (animals that eat dead animal carcasses).  Primary consumers are the herbivores, and are the second largest biomass in an ecosystem.  The animals that eat the herbivores (carnivores) make up the third largest biomass, and are also known as secondary consumers.  This continues with tertiary consumers, etc.
  • Decomposers: These are mainly bacteria and fungi that convert dead matter into gases such as carbon and nitrogen to be released back into the air, soil, or water.  Fungi, and other organisms that break down dead organic matter are known as saprophytes.  Even though most of us hate those mushrooms or molds, they actually play a very important role.  Without decomposers, the earth would be covered in trash.  Decomposers are necessary since they recycle the nutrients to be used again by producers.

Quiz game on Producers and Consumer
Food chain game

Play today:

Food chain
Food chain poster

Wednesday, 13th February 2014

Watch the movie and take the quiz writing your answers to the ten multiple choice questions on a paper to hand out to your teacher.
In the same paper complete the vocabulary exercise.